Lyon : le concert de Death in June annulé

Lyon : le concert de Death in June annulé

Il était initialement prévu ce mardi au Ninkasi Kao à Gerland mais faisait débat depuis plusieurs jours dans l'agglomération lyonnaise.
La préfecture du Rhône a finalement décidé d'annuler le concert du groupe britannique par un arrêté mettant en avant "le caractère provocateur" du groupe qui "véhicule délibérément des symboles nazis, des noms, des gestes, des images et des chansons qui se rapportent au nazisme et tendent à en faire l'éloge".
Le concert de Death of June avait déjà été annulé ces derniers jours à Paris et à Cognac par la municipalité et pour les mêmes raisons.

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avatar le 27/10/2013 à 17:32

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Voici la réponse officielle du groupe :

When my accusers base their accusations on lies, twilight half truths and deliberate misinformation gathered from the internet warriors of the World Wide Wank, where any fool these days can post anything and the next second it becomes the gospel truth to the gullible and those searching for a witch hunt I do not feel I have anything to answer for, or to explain.

And Death In June never has. To do so would merely give credence to the smug idiocy that has been written and spoken by elements of the so-called 'antifa', ill-informed careerist politicians and gutter press journalists looking to sensationalize a story to help them climb out of their provincial ghetto newspaper. They are what they are.

It is very unfortunate for the fans of Death In June and the organizers of some of the performances in France that there have been cancellations, problems and disappointment for the C'est Un Reve Tour. Those responsible for such blatantly stupid, soviet-style censorship and anti-Libertarianism owe a big apology to us all. Naturally, that will not be forthcoming.

But, rest assured;

"In attempts to stultify me
(they show)
Their weakness
their ideology...
Like yapping dogs
the blind lead the blind
those who chain the future
are those Time leaves behind."

Vive La France &
Vive L'Europa
Douglas P.

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